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Competitions are one of the most fulfilling and thrilling aspects of Latin and Ballroom dancing, and they are great to showcase everything you've learnt in lessons! This page will tell you everything you need to know about competitions.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Team Captains, Charlotte Miller and Josh Davies!

how do competitions work?

We attend competitions on the Inter-Varsity Dance Association (IVDA) University Circuit. The two types of competitions are Friendlies and Varsities. Friendlies do not have an ex-student category, therefore allowing them to compete in a category that matches their dance ability.

University Varsity competitions are organised into 7 different categories based on ability:


(dress and step restrictions apply)


(dress and step restrictions apply)







Ex-Student Novice

(dress and step restrictions apply)



progression through rounds

When competing, each judge will write down the couples they want to progress to the next round. The couples with the highest number of judge votes will be invited to the floor at the beginning of the next round to compete again. Your number will be read out to indicate your invitation. The number of rounds will vary depending on the number of competitors, with the Final being formed of six couples on the floor.

restricted step

Both the Beginner and Novice events are restricted step. This means that competitors can only dance certain steps as specified by the BDC syllabus. For this reason, we recommend sticking to the steps and figures learnt in class.

For further information on step restrictions, please ask the Team Captains.


Each competitor will dance Waltz, Quickstep, Cha Cha Cha and Jive.

Other events that are held at University competitions include Same Sex, Team Match, Offbeat, Rock and Roll (acrobatic and non-acrobatic) and Salsa.

Same Sex

This category can vary between competitions.

At the main regional and national competitions, it is open step and open dress, while at other competitions there is often an equivalent restricted step and dress section.

Team Match

The Team Match is danced across Waltz, Cha, Quickstep and Jive, with each couple dancing one of the four dances.

The team is considered as a whole. The first round of the competition acts as a qualifying round and splits the teams into two divisions. These two divisions are then run as separate competitions.

The club will provide the sparkly dresses and shirts for this event, so no need to worry if you only own restricted dress items!


This is a group dance that is danced at NUDC and IVDC, these dances can be made up of any form of dance, excluding Ballroom and Latin.

This is not danced as call back to rounds and only danced once with judges ranking each group.

Our Performance Coordinator, Tamyla, will choreograph our Offbeat routine.

This is a really fun event that allows you to explore other dance styles so is really worth joining in!

If you have any questions regarding Offbeat, please don’t hesitate to contact Tamyla.

Rock n Roll/ Salsa

Rock and Roll is danced in two forms - acrobatic rock and roll and non-acrobatic.

Both of these and Salsa are danced in rounds and judged similar to other Ballroom and Latin rounds.


Each competition has their own set of dress restrictions, so if you are heading to a competition we strongly recommend you confirm this with our Team Captains!

Note: It is important that you do what makes you comfortable. None of the hair and makeup recommendations are compulsory – it is more important to us that you enjoy yourself.

Same Sex


  • Where the partnership is a same-sex or reverse-role partnership each dancer may choose at their discretion whether they wish to follow the Leader or Follower dress restrictions.

Open Dress

  • Where there are no dress restrictions in place you can wear all the sparkle, fringe and frills you like! This usually applies to competitors at Intermediate level or above.


  • Ballroom and Latin shoes differ from normal shoes as they have suede soles. This reduces the friction of the shoe and allows movements to be performed easier. If you are looking to compete it is worth investing in dance shoes.

  • We understand that this is a big investment, therefore, we can offer stick-on suede soles to attach to the bottom of normal shoes. This will help you get a feel for dancing before investing in proper dance shoes.


  • Plain black trousers or plain black Latin trousers are permitted – a black satin side binding and/or a black satin V-shaped binding at the back is permitted.

  • For ballroom, shirts of close-fitting design that are made of stretchy material, even if bought on the high street, are not permitted. Tops that fasted between the legs are not permitted. Waistcoats, ties, bow ties, cummerbunds, belts and braces are all permitted.

  • For Latin, plain mono-colour crew neck or turtleneck stretchy tops are permitted provided there is no slashing or meshing. Tops which are fastened or bind between the legs are permitted.

Hair & Makeup Males

  • Hair should be slicked back neatly with gel and set with hairspray. Essentially, it shouldn't move!

  • Makeup is normally not applicable for gentlemen, however, you may wish to wear light make-up such as concealer and powder under harsh lights.


  • Tanning is common practise at competitions so you don’t look washed out under bright lights.


  • Plain skirts or practice wear skirts are permitted provided they have no crinoline, no wiring, no satin binding and a maximum of one layer of fringing. Plain trousers (including practice wear trousers) are permitted. For ballroom, this should typically be below knee-length, and for Latin typically above knee-length.

  • Plain tops or practice wear tops are permitted provided they have no fringing, no floats and no batwings, are of a single colour and are not patterned. (Mesh and/or lace is fine).

  • Jewellery, hairpieces, bracelets, belts and facial decoration are permitted. These may include sparkle.

Hair & Makeup


  • Hair should be flattened and smoothed into a high or low bun and secured in place with plenty of gel, hairspray, pins and a bun-net. Once you are comfortable with this you can experiment with your hairstyle (e.g. quiffs, plaits, swirls), however, it should be able to withstand a full day of high energy dancing! Sparkly hairpieces and stones can also be used for decoration.

  • Makeup should be similar to stage makeup. Big eyes, bright lips, contouring and highlighting are recommended so you can be seen from a distance.​​

how do comps work

what happens on the day?

A typical university competition sees the team travel down to the competition by coach. We leave early on the morning of the competition, with pick-up points in Leamington Spa and on campus. The exception to this is Nationals in Blackpool. We typically leave on Friday night and stay in a hotel for two nights. The team is allocated rooms and we share with other dancers of the same gender.

Once we arrive at the venue, we change into our dancewear to start the competition. Ballroom is normally in the morning and Latin in the afternoon, with Team Match in the evening. After the competition is finished, we travel home on the coach and get dropped off on campus or in Leamington Spa. On the journey home, the Team Captains will lead a debrief and congratulate couples on their performance. A Couple of the Competition is selected for the couple who have had a stand-out day.

Throughout the competition, cheering on your teammates is highly encouraged. You can choose to shout out their number or their names. It can be a real boost to a couple hearing they are being supported from the side-lines.

competition checklist

A checklist for the essential items to bring to a competition can be seen below.

  • Dance shoes

  • Trousers and shirt/both skirts (Latin & ballroom) and top

  • Makeup (to top-up during the day)

  • Hair products and accessories (gel, hairspray, pins, bun nets, hair tie)

  • Plenty of food and water (the days can be very long)

*If you have any medical conditions that we may need to know about in case of an emergency (asthma, epilepsy etc.) please notify someone at the competition and ensure you have any medication with you

on the day

competitions we attend

Disclaimer - The prices are based on previous' years paid by Warwick LnB members and are for indication only. They will vary year-on-year depending on transportation costs. Competitors also have the option to travel independently, in that case, a separate price will be calculated.

comps we attend
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